Ashley Abercrombie

I’m glad you’re here.


Ashley Abercrombie, Creative Writer, Organizational Culture Guru, and Mom in the Middle Place, based in Durham, NC.

The connections between us matter - online and in real life.

After spending years working with creatives, writing books, birthing babies, and spending a shameful amount time on social, creating content for an audience, I felt desperate to change the way I show up online. I said goodbye to unpaid, short-form content creation, so my nervous system is not on tilt and I get to just show up in my real life, while inspiring writers and creatives through strategic partnership and consulting.

I also moved my online writing to weekly, long-form at After Hours on Substack, talking about recovery, motherhood and midlife, plus a little ordinary BS.

Consider it your emotional support newsletter. It would be a pleasure to welcome you to the neighborhood.